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#![doc(html_playground_url = "")]
//! Frunk Core
//! This library forms the core of Frunk. It should ideally be minimalistic,
//! containing only the fundamental building blocks of generic programming.
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! # use frunk_core::hlist::*;
//! # use frunk_core::{hlist, HList};
//! # fn main() {
//! let h = hlist![1, false, 42f32];
//! let folded = h.foldr(hlist![|acc, i| i + acc,
//! |acc, _| if acc > 42f32 { 9000 } else { 0 },
//! |acc, f| f + acc],
//! 1f32);
//! assert_eq!(folded, 9001);
//! // Reverse
//! let h1 = hlist![true, "hi"];
//! assert_eq!(h1.into_reverse(), hlist!["hi", true]);
//! // foldr (foldl also available)
//! let h2 = hlist![1, false, 42f32];
//! let folded = h2.foldr(
//! hlist![|acc, i| i + acc,
//! |acc, _| if acc > 42f32 { 9000 } else { 0 },
//! |acc, f| f + acc],
//! 1f32
//! );
//! assert_eq!(folded, 9001);
//! // Mapping over an HList
//! let h3 = hlist![9000, "joe", 41f32];
//! let mapped = h3.to_ref().map(hlist![|&n| n + 1,
//! |&s| s,
//! |&f| f + 1f32]);
//! assert_eq!(mapped, hlist![9001, "joe", 42f32]);
//! // Plucking a value out by type
//! let h4 = hlist![1, "hello", true, 42f32];
//! let (t, remainder): (bool, _) = h4.pluck();
//! assert!(t);
//! assert_eq!(remainder, hlist![1, "hello", 42f32]);
//! // Resculpting an HList
//! let h5 = hlist![9000, "joe", 41f32, true];
//! let (reshaped, remainder2): (HList![f32, i32, &str], _) = h5.sculpt();
//! assert_eq!(reshaped, hlist![41f32, 9000, "joe"]);
//! assert_eq!(remainder2, hlist![true]);
//! # }
//! ```
//! Links:
//! 1. [Source on Github](
//! 2. [ page](
extern crate std;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
extern crate alloc;
mod macros;
pub mod coproduct;
pub mod generic;
pub mod hlist;
pub mod indices;
pub mod labelled;
pub mod path;
pub mod traits;
mod tuples;
mod test_structs;